Year 6
Year 6 is a very important year and children have the opportunity to take on some responsibilities throughout the year, as well as being positive role models for younger children. Some children are elected to be House Captains, other help with responsibilities around the school such as with the school office or lead School Council.
As secondary school is approaching, we encourage the children to become more self-reliant and make their own decisions. They need to start to take more ownership and responsibility for their own learning and progress.
Children in Year 6 enjoy several additional trips. They participate in ‘Junior Citizen’ which is run by Woking Council and teaches life skills such as team-work, thinking skills and introduces them to various members of the community e.g. police and fire services.
Year 6 children also enjoy a week long residential trip to Springhead in Dorset in the summer term. There they build resilience, team-work and independence as well as try new, adventurous activities such as kayaking.
We discuss issues that may arise in Secondary School during PSHE lessons. Staff and teachers from secondary schools come in and visit St John’s School and meet the children and all the children have an opportunity to go on a transition day at the new secondary school in July.

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