Butterflies Nursery

3-4 Years

Butterflies Nursery is lucky to have a dedicated and experienced team that supports children to settle and thrive. Recently we have invested in new furniture and resources to stimulate young minds to help them to reach their full potential. These new additions were designed by EYFS experts.  

We believe every child is unique; with positive relationships and an enabling environment every child will learn and develop at their own pace.

In Nursery we aim to provide a rich curriculum where children are able to gain real life experiences through play and learning. We offer woodwork where children are able to use a real hammer to tap nails into the wood and a hand held drill where children are challenged to use the muscles in their hands and fingers to make holes in the wood.

Throughout the year we provide opportunities for cooking and baking to support our understanding of healthy life styles and the affect this has on our bodies. We are free flow for the majority of the day, this enables children to choose where they would like to learn and explore, whether this is making pies in the mud kitchen in the pouring rain or playing in the sand on a hot sunny day!  

We are lucky to have a large field and woodland area at St John’s and we make good use of the school’s running track and outdoor classroom to support our learning and fun. We often use the woodland to explore nature at its best! 

We strongly believe in parent/school partnership, as this is crucial to support our youngest children to settle in and feel that they belong.  

You are welcome visit our inspiring and exciting Nursery, to book a tour and for availability contact the school’s office on  01483 476450 or admin@stjohnsknaphill.co.uk