About St John’s Primary School
We are a one form entry primary school and nursery with a real family feel. With around 215 pupils, St John’s is small enough for everyone to know and look out for one another, but large enough to provide a range of experiences including a range of after school clubs and fantastic educational trips and visits. Our children clearly benefit from being members of a small community because every member of staff gets to know them well and can identify their strengths and talents.
Our staff love working here at St John’s and we are lucky to have a hugely experienced team. We make decisions about the school together, always putting children at the heart of every decision we make.
The personal development of our children is extremely important to us. We have a strong focus on well-being and happiness, promoting good mental and physical health for all children and adults at our school. We are proud that our children go to secondary schools well prepared for their next stage of life. Our values of kindness, courage, respect, responsibility, determination and honesty are taught throughout the school year and underpin everything that we do.
Our children behave extremely well. Their good behaviour is acknowledged and rewarded using our house points system. Children are in one of four houses: red/Lovelace, blue/Angelou, yellow/Bazalgette and green/Attenborough. The achievement of each house is celebrated during assembly on a Friday. The house with the most house points for that week is awarded a cup which is collected by the year 6 House Captains.
Partnership with parents is extremely important to us. We have an open door policy which means parents are welcome to speak to staff as they drop off and pick up children. Our Communications Policy sets out who is best to contact in more detail. We have an active Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A.) which runs events and helps fundraise for the school.
Just wanted to say thank you again for ordering that book for the library so my son can read it at home. This is the first time I’ve known him to be excited to share a fiction book from school with us. One of the many things I love about St John’s is the way you all go above and beyond for individual students. It doesn’t go unnoticed and is much appreciated.
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St John's Primary School Values